GIS and statistical analysis

GIS and statistics - 5 ects

As one of the compulsory courses in the first year of the iGEON you will get in-depth compentence on statistics in geography.

Statistics are used in all areas of the society, it is a language for communicating large amounts of data. It is a condensation of the world around us, to be used in analysis, discussions and decisions. Whether you are a producer of statistics or a receiver of information you need this language to understand the world around us.

The course covers known concepts and basic statistic methods but with a focus on geographical data. The course starts with an introduction to normal statistical methods, covering descriptive stats, correlation and hypothesis testing with different distributions, populations and statistical analysis methods. The course further provides knowledge about methods especially used in geographical statistics, e.g. spatial auto-correlation and spatial regression in geographical analysis. This course introduce you to statistics and geography.

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