Detailed Description of Introduction to RS

Introduction to Remote Sensing (10 ECTS)

1. Basic information

The course Principles of Remote Sensing introduces remote sensing (RS) as a technique for acquiring different types of geospatial information.

The course will equip the participant with conceptual and practical knowledge of remote sensing and corresponding skills to extract information from remote sensing data in an application context (specifically in the Natural Resource Management context). The course is useful for both the novice to remote sensing and the one experienced in some aspects but missing the complete overview of the state-of-the art and/or the conceptual foundation.

2. General information

The course is part of the internet based programme ‘GIS and Earth Observation for Environmental modelling and Natural resource management’ (iGEON). The course is compulsory for the double degree: Master of Science in Geographical Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente, Faculty ITC, the Netherlands and Master of Science in Geographical Information Science of Lund University, Sweden. The course is also given as a single subject course. The language of instruction is English. The course is fully based on distance learning, with all material distributed over the Internet. It is flexible in the sense that students can study full time (100%), half time (50%), or with a 25% study tempo.

3. Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is that students, after having successfully completed the course, are able to:

4. Course contents

The block covers a wide range of topics offered through lectures, practical exercises and cases. Theoretical knowledge is transferred in combination with the development of skills in software handling and applications.

5. Teaching and assessment

Participants are expected to do all mandatory learning activities and examinations and hand in the results as described in the task descriptions.

6. Grades

Students are graded for the course with a grade between 10 and 100. 60 is the pass mark.

In order to pass the course the student is required to have passed the exam, completed the portfolio and to have participated in all compulsory course elements.

The portfolio includes:

The final grade for the course is determined by the combination of the completed portfolio and the result of the written exam

7. Entrance requirements

The following are required for admission to the course: Basic admission requirements of Faculty ITC and Lund University.

8. Literature

Stein et al (2011): GI Science and Earth Observation: a process-based approach, ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands. 2nd edition