
Thesis - 30 ECTS

The final stage of the iGEON programme is dedicated to the execution of an individual research project. You work independently on an approved research topic connected to one of the research themes of UT/ITC or LU/GIScentre. In this final block of the programme, you further develop your research skills, interact with your fellow students and staff members and, finally, demonstrate that you have achieved the programme objectives for the Master of Science degree by research, on a satisfactory academic level.

Learning outcomes

You will be able to: 


Based on  the final accepted research proposal you will carry out the planned activities. You will be provided with  guidelines for the thesis early in the course. Regular individual progress meetings with the supervisors, through e.g. skype or video conferencing, will be held to monitor the progress on the research and thesis writing, and records of the progress will be kept. The supervisors keep the programme coordinator informed about the progress.

The activities normally include: